Section 5: Final piece
This term we have learned about:
Composing interesting drum rhythms
Composing effective harmonies
Composing a catchy melody
Final composition
🕑 30 minutes
Today, we are going to put all of this together in a final composition.
Your SongMaker piece should include:
A drum rhythm that keeps the listener interested
A variety of different harmonies
A catchy melody
If you want a reminder of any of the strategies we have used so far, you can click and find all of the other lessons in the menu on the left of this page.
Click here to go to Song Maker
When you're done today, copy and paste your link in the Song Maker channel on Teams.
The grid of Song Maker is called a sequencer. It plays notes and drum sounds in a rhythm. Other sequencers are more complex and flexible.
🕑 10 minutes
Click here to have a go at this Ableton sequencer. This lets you compose in different layers and use a greater variety of drum samples.
Unfortunately, the Ableton sequencer doesn't let you save your sequence. If you like, you could do an audio recording from another device, maybe voice memo on a phone or a computer.
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