Section 1: Getting started
How do I use Song Maker?
Last updated
How do I use Song Maker?
Last updated
I know the basic features of Google Song Maker.
I can save my work by copying and pasting a link.
Watch the video below to see how Song Maker works.
🕑 10 minutes
Click on the link below to try it out.
Can you master the Song Maker techniques in the box below? You will need to go back to Song Maker to try them out.
🕑 up to 15 minutes
Start with Beginner, and then go to Intermediate and Expert if you can.
Make the speed (tempo) as fast as possible
Make the song have as many bars as possible
Make the song have 3 beats in every bar
Make an interesting melody (tune) by using only three different colours.
A bit lost? Watch this video:
🕑 20 minutes
You have been asked to compose a song that lasts four bars. It will be used as the background music in a computer game for young children. The character in the game is a friendly kangaroo.
The kangaroo is able to hop and dash. The music must reflect this.
Will the notes be close together or far apart?
Will the tempo be fast or slow?
What is the best instrument and drum sound for this character?
Expert tasks above: Did you get to the Expert box in the Skill Up section? You could go back and try these.
Settings: Click on the Settings button in the bottom right of the screen. You can increase the length of your SongMaker, the range available and the scales it uses.
Song Bank: Can you put together one of the songs in my Song Bank?
ToneMatrix: Free online instrument. Enable Flash to use.