Film Music Lesson 1

You will need

  • Piece of paper

  • Pen or pencil 📝

  • A way to listen to the music ♫ Headphones would be useful. 🎧

Plan for today

In this page, there are...

  • My words to read

  • Sound files to listen to

  • Videos to watch and to listen to

  • Activities to try

Activities are in a box with a green tick

Read these carefully.

Sometimes you will need to submit something to Teams, sometimes not.

1. What is the plan for this term?

This term we will be...

  • Thinking about how composers use musical elements and musical devices to create effects

  • Listening to some famous film music

  • Performing some famous film music!

  • Creating our own soundtrack

2. Let's hear some film music

On your piece of paper, draw this table:

Clip number

Matching Picture






  1. Look at the pictures A, B, C, D and E.

  2. Listen to the music clips below. They will download when you click the orange words.

  3. Can you match each clip with a picture? Write your answer in the table.

Click on the Answers tab underneath this to see the Answers and mark your work.

3. How do composers do this?

Let's think about the musical elements and how composers can use them.

Read the table below carefully. We will need to use these when we do our own composing.

Musical Element

What it means.


The tune. How the notes move, e.g. skip, step or leap


The way something is played, e.g. pluck


Loud and quiet


Major and minor. We did this in our keyboard lessons and we will revisit these words.


The sections of music


How notes are combined together.


Recognising which instruments are playing.

Rhythm and tempo

Tempo = the speed


The layers of music


How something sounds, e.g. harsh or bright.

4. Batman

Listen to the Batman music again.

Think about the musical elements you have just read. What musical elements are used in this piece of music to make it sound like a Batman film?

For example: the pitch starts low. The tempo is slow.

What other musical elements can you hear?

5. Match the musical elements

Copy the two lists in this picture. Draw them next to each other.

Listen to the music file below.

Draw a line between every clip and the right description.

Click on the Answers tab below to see the Answers and mark your work!

6. You're finished!

That's the end of the activities for this week.

Now we know about some techniques that we can use in our own pieces.

7. Extension (optional)

If you've done everything and you still have some time left over, why not listen to some more film music?

Here are some of my favourites:

Last updated